Deprived of my usual lots of people contact here in København (basically, I have no friends her - wha wha poor me), I headed over to Stockholm to catch up with an old friend who I hadn't seen since I was 18. Thankfully, it was as if no time at all had passed since we last saw eachother. A wonderful time.
Stockholm is a very beautiful city, very different from København in that it's all rather hilly. Black rocks jutting out all over the place with (somewhat evil) Disney-like black towers and coloured buildings. There's more aesthetic variety there, and some great mens clothes.
Also saw a PRB show at the Nationalmuseum called
Prerafaeliterna. Beautifully put together, well displayed and quite enjoyable.

Street art on Skånegatan.

Södermalm public sculpture - too cold even for a bronze mother and baby!

St George's Princess, Köpmantorget. The unnamed princess is seen as an embodyment of Sweeden - so what was the person who put the condom in her hands saying I wonder?

Packhausgränd, Gamla Stan


Stortorget, the square of the Svenska Akademien (the Sweedish Académie Française).