So I'm dumping a bunch of pictures here at first, and will add to them more systematically as time goes on ...

Frederiksberg Have - bird nests on the bird island.

Frederiksberg Have tree - yeah, I like trees...

Frederiksberg Slot and tobogganists.

Tree in Fredericksberg Have.

The back stairs. They're bloody steep and a bit WW2 like - especially when you see the place next door's back door plaque ...

Gunner Hansen - the neighbours back door plaque. So WW2.

Ok, so I was a bit pizzled, and the trees were so pretty. This is outside David's work, and we'd just played some pretty hardcore foosball, which I never though I'd do, but it really is fun!

The Black Diamond building from Knippelsbro at sunset.

The view from our bedroom window.

Off to get Jack. Like kids, we sat in the front of the Metro train, which have no drivers (it's all automatic) so it kinda felt like a Disney ride, or a PlayStation game!

Cornelius Norbertus Gijsbrechts,
Cut-Out Trompe I'Oeil Easel with Fruit Piece, 1670-72 &
Trompe I'oeil. The Reverse of a Framed Painting, 1670.
These are cool. Old Dutch art that questions the nature of painting. Seen at the Statens Museum for Kunst
Ingar Dragset and Michael Elmgreen, Please, keep quiet, 2003 (detail).
A hospital ward transplanetd into the Statens Museum for Kunst. Beautiful - feeds into the work I wanna do on mascunlity and mortality ... There's more photo's, but I love how much this works into the Grant Lingard sickness stuff.

The Lakes on a beautiful, if bloody cold, day

Enghavevej. Round the corner from us.

David and I on Frederiksberg Alle.