Friday, January 30, 2009

London January 2009

Didn't take that many pics in London this time. Will post some older pics of Oxford and stuff later...

Entry to Dominique Gonzalez-Foerester, TH.2058, 2008. Tate Modern, Turbine Hall. see more here

David and Valentine in the back of Pete's wagon - yes, they actually stayed in the back all closed up and bouncing around all the way home!

Profile (Alex)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New York City (2004 & 2009)

W. 22nd Street - 10th Precinct.

More tree'n'snow action. Oh, and a cemetery too.

Jeff Koons, The Red Balloon Flower, (1995-2000) 7 WTC. Ice dags!

Jeff Koons, The Red Balloon Flower, (1995-2000). See Jeff Koons art-speaking his way through it here

Juicy Lucy's - for Rachael.

W. 14th Street - why are divorces more expensive? Funny America.

Jodie and Me - yeah I'm real pink (sunburn and LOTS of pink about). I wonder if I should photoshop it? It's a great pic of The Girl though.

Go-Go Boy at Küte at the G-Lounge.

Tree (Montague, Mass.), 2004

Victor Matthews, Beyond Metamorphisis, 2004. Battery Park.

Belvedere Castle in Central Park (2004)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 2009 in NZ

Some pretty (and not so pretty pics) of my last month in NZ ...


Flying out North Island & South Island

The view from Ewa's.

Nice street art.


Oriental Bay.


The clouds look like UFOs.

The town I was born in. It's like it was a successful city between 1880 and 1920, and has never recovered (or rebuilt) since. The colours on most the buildings are the same as they were when I was a kid, except now, they are flaked, peeling, and full of decay.

Dee Street, Invercargill

Brunt out Road Knights House.

Up an alley somewhere off Dee Street.

Christmas decorations on Dee Street - they have been the same since I was a kid.

How did the swan ever survive and still look so good?

Southland - a land of very big skies.

The coolest cow ever.

Moeraki Beach.

If this is too wrong, let me know and I'll get rig of it!