Holy hell.
We went to Venice, and of course, the Biennale as well. As a virgin to such things, it was rather overwhelming. I think in the 5 days we were there, we got to about 70% of the lot, and there were a few major "it's too bloody hot and sticky" moments where we ended up missing out on some things - most notably AES+F's The Feast of Trimalchio (I think when I saw Last Riot at the City Gallery it was the first time I'd ever tolerated sitting through an ENTIRE artist video, and it may have even been twice!) I might even be ever so pissed at myself at that. Shuld have done a bit more research though, ah?
But really, there's like 97 artists in the Making Worlds Fare Mondi exhibition over 2 sites, 78 countries involved in both the Giardini, Arsenale and Participating countries exhibitions (if you count the IILA Istituto Italo-Latino Americano countries as separate, which only seems fair) and 44 collateral events. All in all, I dread to think how many artists are involved - but just may be drunk or stupid enough to cont them some time soon!
My head is a mess; my desire to discuss everything I've seen is so paramount, and I wanna talk shit about it all. Even if you have the most fleeting interest in contemporary art production (and the glorious power of nationalisation and creative control etc etc), if you can, you just have to see it! Much more to talk about - and will do soon!
So, aside from that, lots has been going on...
We have been biking all over Denmark - well Sjælland - went and had a lovely lunch in Zürich (where I had to get a new camera cos my old one totally crapped out - and it was only a year old. Sigh), and a not so lovely lunch in Düsseldorf; went to the weirdest museum in Malmö, and I've been so so busy with work. Oh and I have an article coming out in the Journal of New Zealand Art History, so that's a bit cool!
Oh to find a rich sponsor who'll assist me in achieving my full academic potential! It might be Sweden for my masters.
Anyway, some pics will follow in a more sensible order soon!