Some pretty (and not so pretty pics) of my last month in NZ ...

Flying out North Island & South Island

The view from Ewa's.

Nice street art.


Oriental Bay.

The clouds look like UFOs.
The town I was born in. It's like it was a successful city between 1880 and 1920, and has never recovered (or rebuilt) since. The colours on most the buildings are the same as they were when I was a kid, except now, they are flaked, peeling, and full of decay.

Dee Street, Invercargill

Brunt out Road Knights House.

Up an alley somewhere off Dee Street.

Christmas decorations on Dee Street - they have been the same since I was a kid.

How did the swan ever survive and still look so good?

Southland - a land of very big skies.

The coolest cow ever.

Moeraki Beach.

If this is too wrong, let me know and I'll get rig of it!